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Types Of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects people of all ages and can be caused by many different factors. The three basic categories of hearing loss are sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss and mixed hearing loss. Here is what patients should know about each type. 

Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a problem in the outer or middle ear that prevents sound from reaching the inner ear. Common causes include earwax buildup, fluid accumulation, ear infections, and structural abnormalities. In most cases, conductive hearing loss is treatable through medical intervention or surgery.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss results from damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve pathways to the brain. This type of hearing loss is often irreversible and can be caused by factors such as aging, noise exposure, genetics, and certain medical conditions or medications. Sensorineural hearing loss can impact a person's ability to hear faint sounds and comprehend speech clearly.

Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed hearing loss is a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. It occurs when there is damage or impairment in both the outer/middle ear and the inner ear/auditory nerve. Treatment depends on the specific causes and may involve a combination of medical intervention and hearing aids.